Cell phone carriers absolutely adore monthly data plans. Want email on your new phone? Buy a monthly data plan for $40-60/month, to go along with the other charges for phone service and text messages. Want an easy Internet connection on your laptop so you don’t have...

Shopping Plans

If you need a new computer, buy a new computer. Maybe your business is expanding (there are signs of life in our economy), maybe your old Windows XP computer has collapsed or is just too slow – whatever the reason, if you need hardware, buy hardware. But if your next...


Let me give you some updated generalizations that may help you get started when you’re shopping for a new computer. Generalizations are dangerous things. Not everyone ought to make the same choices. You’ll be driven by your budget, your level of tech knowledge, any...


In one of those odd coincidences, I’ve dealt with four or five surge protectors in the last few weeks that have failed in the same way – by having one or two outlets go dead, even though the other outlets are still passing current through them and apparently working...