The status bar is the bar at the bottom of Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows. It shows all kinds of interesting things – the number of files in a folder, or the progress in loading a web page, for example. In Windows XP it has a tendency not to appear at all by default in Windows Explorer, or to appear only on the first Internet Explorer window but not subsequent windows.

I like the status bar. I’ve gotten tired of constantly reaching for View / Status Bar on the menu of each window. Here’s a tip that apparently sets the status bar to appear by default.

1. Open just one window of Internet Explorer.

2. Click the “View” menu, then “Status Bar.”

3. Hold down Ctrl while clicking the X to close the window.

4. Open My Computer.

5. Click the “View” menu, then “Status Bar.”

6. Click the “Tools” menu, then “Folder Options.”

7. Click the “View” tab.

8. Click “Apply to all folders.”

9. Click “OK.”

10. Close Windows Explorer.

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