Just a brief followup about the damaging OneCare putdown delivered by Arno Edelman, business security manager for Microsoft Europe.

According to Microsoft, it never happened.

Microsoft reportedly issued a statement saying that Mr. Edelman “emphatically denies ever making” any such comments “in the brief time he spoke with this reporter.” Microsoft is “shocked and disappointed” by the article. They emphasize that Microsoft is “committed to continued leadership in security… This is a responsibility we take very seriously and something we will continue to invest in.”

I’ll keep an eye out for followup. It was very hard to imagine a Microsoft exec saying anything like what was quoted unless he had a death wish, a job offer, or a drinking problem – but it was also a strange thing for a web journalist to make up out of whole cloth.

I hope this also reflects a commitment by Microsoft to defend its product and alleviate our doubts.

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