WIndows Live OneCare is actually a subscription, renewed annually. Many of you are coming up on your one-year anniversary. The date is displayed in the lower left corner of the OneCare window; you’ll get an e-mail reminder about a month before the expiration.

onecarerenewal1 If you have a credit card on file with your Windows Live ID, your subscription will be renewed automatically for $49.95. Log on to the Windows Live ID associated with your subscription (click in the upper right on this page), then click on Billing to check the credit card info. (You can also open OneCare and click on the renewal reminder.)

There’s a way to renew it for less.

If you click ononecarerenewal2 Windows Live OneCare on the Billing page, then click on Renew this service, you’ll see a little tiny link to renew the subscription with a “product key or prepaid PIN.”

Bingo! Save a buck. Buy OneCare on sale and enter the license code on the inside of the box. You’ll get a one-year renewal for a fraction of the cost. Throw the box and the CD away afterwards (all you need is the license code) and fear for our landfills.

OneCare is frequently on sale. Costco had it for $9.99, local stores had it for $14.99 for a while, but the best sale today comes from Amazon, where you can purchase OneCare for thirty dollars. With a thirty dollar rebate. Extend your subscription for free while the offer lasts!


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