The venerable Palm operating system is no more. It wasn’t long ago that the term “Palm” was the very definition of a handheld PDA, and the Palm operating system was inseparable in our minds from the device running it. Literally decades of marketing were invested in the Palm brand. It’s all gone now.

That’s not official yet. In fact, the official announcement is just that the Palm OS is being renamed. But in a world increasingly dominated by Windows Mobile devices, I can’t help but see the entire Palm line dying a slow death when I read an announcement as garbled and impossible as this:

“ACCESS CO., LTD., today debuted the new ACCESS Powered® logo and announced it is renaming Palm OS® to Garnet(TM) OS. The new ACCESS Powered(TM) logo replaces the Palm Powered(TM) logo and is now used with products from both ACCESS and PalmSource, Inc. (now known as ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc.).”

Are you picturing the crowds racing to the mall to get their cell phone PDAs from ACCESS Systems Americas with the ACCESS Powered(TM) logo running the Garnet(TM) OS? Me neither.

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