Mar 30, 2001 | business, Office
Corel’s quarterly results showed a trivially small profit, but sales have completely collapsed for the WordPerfect suite. “Word processing and productivity sales plummeted from $22.1 million in Q1 2000 to $11.6 in Q1 2001.” I wasn’t able to...
Mar 19, 2001 | backup, business, hardware
OnStream made tape backup systems. I loved them. Unparalleled reliability. A unique tape format, but I never had a problem with one of their cartridges. When I think of the hours I’ve lost wrestling with conventional Travan tape drives . . . well, OnStream was...
Mar 10, 2001 | audio, business, file_sharing
Napster is gone. Its death may be more or less protracted, but it’s all over. There will now be a period of confusion – most of you will be well served by waiting until the dust settles. I’m a big fan of Media Jukebox, so I like their offer of $3...
Mar 4, 2001 | business, computers
While Dell continues to be a strong company and a great choice when you’re in the market for a new system, Gateway has been floundering. Although I was an early Gateway booster, I became more and more unhappy with Gateway’s erratic customer service and odd...
Feb 25, 2001 | business, law, web_services
If you’ve been using Findlaw for its wealth of law-related resources (including free California cases and codes), then you may be interested to learn that West Group has agreed to acquire Findlaw. Here’s an article with all the information known to date....