Jul 28, 2019 | Chrome, security, spam, Windows tips, Windows10
This article is for anyone with spam ads or annoying notifications popping up from the lower right corner of your Windows desktop. If you don’t have this problem, file this away in case you need it later. (Also see: How To Turn Off Unwanted Chrome Extensions) Sleazy...
Jun 13, 2019 | Azure, Chrome, Chromebook, games, Google, Microsoft, web_services
The traditional picture of a “gamer” is someone using a Sony Playstation, Microsoft Xbox, or a powerful PC, playing one of the AAA blockbuster titles that get all the attention and prestige. The console & PC games industry today is like the movie industry:...
May 12, 2019 | Android, Apple, augmented reality, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, Privacy, security
Google, Microsoft, and Facebook held developer conferences last week to showcase new products and services. Google had some exciting announcements. Microsoft and Facebook, not so much. MICROSOFT Microsoft is an enterprise company. At its Build Conference, it...
Mar 27, 2019 | Chrome, Google, Internet, security
Uh oh! Bruceb News is “not secure”! Alert readers have probably noticed the “not secure” warning on a few other websites, too. Well, actually more than half of the top one million most popular websites were “not secure” last summer. It’s gotten better since then but...
Jan 27, 2019 | Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, computers, Facebook, Google, Internet, laptops, LastPass, mail, mobile, phone, security, software, spam, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2019. You can download a copy here. Only your vigilance will protect you against bad guys. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone numbers,...
Jan 23, 2019 | Android, Chrome, Google, Internet, Microsoft, Windows10
Google has changed the steps required to pin a website to your Windows 10 taskbar. It’s still possible but it takes a bit of extra effort. There are some websites that fit your workflow best when they are running in their own separate window. When you set up a website...