Bing Sucks At Searches

Bing Sucks At Searches

Bing sucks at searches. You know how I know that? Because I have an anecdote to prove it. Anecdotes don’t prove anything. I know that. You know that. If I’m going to make a broad claim I ought to have solid evidence and statistics and data. I don’t....
Memories Of A Giant Boulder

Memories Of A Giant Boulder

Forty years ago this week, I was eating popcorn in the middle of the tenth row at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood, and I was having one of the best nights of my life. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Actually yesterday is a little hazy, but the memory...
Bruceb News Continues On Hiatus Until The End Of 2020

Bruceb News Continues On Hiatus Until The End Of 2020

I can’t wait until 2020 finally ends! You look puzzled – oh, I understand! A lot of people weren’t expecting the epilogue to 2020, which will continue for another week or so. Think of it as a hangover following a particularly unpleasant night of anger-drinking and...
The Best New Music Of 2020

The Best New Music Of 2020

Spotify released the personalized Wrapped 2020 playlist a few days ago. I was a bit surprised to discover that my fave-rave most-played song in 2020 was the sound of soothing ocean waves. It turns out that Spotify’s algorithms get the teensiest bit confused if you...