Dell’s New Ultrathin XPS 15z

Dell introduced the XPS 15z this week, a new ultrathin 15” notebook for $999. It might be exactly right for many people – a bigger screen than the 13” Vostro V130 and a much more reasonable price tag than the gorgeous Samsung Series 9. Apple has once again...

Which iPad 2 Should You Get?

If you’re considering an iPad, you must read this article by Marco Arment. Everything you need to know, in plain English. Verizon/AT&T or wi-fi only? 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb? Black or white? If you already have an iPad 1, is it worthwhile to upgrade to the iPad 2? All...

Get any good presents?

You may be wondering where to start with the shiny new technology that appeared under the tree – after all, there are reportedly 200,000 Android apps and almost 500,000 iPhone apps, of which possibly 14 are worthwhile. How do you find the good ones? Engadget...