The Joy Of Ubiquiti UniFi Wireless

UniFi wireless access points provide high performance, extended range, and a well-designed control panel. You can get reliable wireless coverage for large areas at prices that small businesses can afford. You cannot imagine how satisfying it is to write that. There...

Mac Gets A Virus (And Other Apple Woes)

A nasty bit of malware named “Flashback” has reportedly infected 600,000 Macs worldwide, more than half located in the US. Here’s some news coverage when the announcement was made last week by a Russian security company, followed by corroboration by Kaspersky Lab....

Kindle Fire And Exchange ActiveSync

While we’re talking about the Kindle Fire, it’s worth noting one strange omission: the Kindle Fire does not have a built-in connection to Exchange mailboxes. The picture on the left shows all the built-in mail connectors: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, and “other” (which...