Norton Antivirus 2011 – Won’t Get Fooled Again

I occasionally say critical things about Norton security products. I guess that’s because I occasionally run into computers that seem happier when I remove the Norton security products. In fact, now that I come to think about it, every computer seems happier when I...

LastPass – The Essential Utility

LastPass has moved to my short list of essential utilities. If you’re not familiar with it, go read my original article about the concept behind the program, then go to the LastPass web site and watch some of the videos explaining how the service works. The design of...

Poisoned Web Sites

Almost all malware now is installed by poisoned web sites. If you haven’t installed the latest updates for Windows / Office / Internet Explorer / Firefox / Java / Flash / Acrobat / iTunes / Quicktime, you’ll click on an innocent-looking link to find, say, lyrics to a...

Weak Passwords

Previously: Passwords: computer login Passwords: e-mail Passwords: Google Accounts & Windows Live ID Passwords: password managers Passwords: online passwords and LastPass Let’s go over a few facts of life. No one is enjoying the need to have a lot of passwords....